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Fruit juice refers to the liquid extracted from one or more types

of fruits. Juice is a highly concentrated source of nutrition

supplements like vitamins roughage and fibers. It provides the

body specifically with vitamins minerals atival sugars and

heating photochemical elements. Juice is n easy way to add

more fruits and vegetables to any diet. Fruits are abundant in

almost all part of the world (Brewa 2000).

Excess fruit not consumed during harvesting season are usually

processed and packaged for use in future. However artificial

ingredients and sugar (Wafe 2002).

There are several varieties of fruit juice almost any fruit or

vegetable can be juiced. Vegetable juices are lower in calories

than fruit juices and the most common are tomato carrot and

mixed vegetable juice. Fruit juice include temperate fruite such

as apple blackcurrent grapefruit lemon mango orange

pineapple paw-paw guava straw-berry etc. a large flat pit in

the middle and green when they are unripe (Pyke 1989).

Mangoes are high in vitamin A and contain beta-carote. The

danker orange flesh has the most vitamin A but without doubt

all mangoes have a lot of vitamins and minerals. Mangoes are

good source of vitamin C too. They are extremely beneficial

when consumed during the following condition:

● Constipation Anemia

● Excessive thirsty condition pregnancy

● Cancer mental weakness

● Heart disease stress

1.1 Apple (Malus domestica)

The apple is a ponaceous fruit of the species Malus domestica

in the rose family roseceae. It is one of the most widely

cultivated tree fruits. It is a small deciduous tree reaching

5-12m tall with a broad often densely twiggly crown. The

leaves are alternatively arranged simple oval with an acute tip

and serrated margin slightly doing below 5-12cm long and

3-6cm braod on a 2-5cm petiole. The fruit matures in autumn

and is typically 5-9cm in diameter (rarely up to 15cm). The

center of the fruit contaisn five carpel amonged star like each

carpel containing one or two seeds apples are rich in vitamin C

and other vitmaisn and minerals.

1.2 Mango (Magnifera indica)

The mango is a tropical fruit of the mango tree. Mango belongs

to the genus magnifera which consists of about 30 species of

tropical fruiting trees in the flowering plant family Anacar

diaceae. They are oval and egg shaped with smooth soft skin

usually a combination of green red and yellow. The interior

flesh is bright orange and soft which is commercially important

as many species are cultivated for their fruit (Scott 1959).

This is a eaten fresh or pressed for juice. The juice contains a

high quantity of citric acid giving them the characteristic sharp

flavour. They are also good source of vitamin C and flavonoids.

1.3 Orange (Citrus sinensis)

Orange refers to the citrus and genus of flowering plant in the

family rutaceae. It’s a tropical and subtropical fruit. The plant

are large shrubs or small trees reaching 5-15m tall with sping

shorts and alternately arranged evergreen leave with an entire

margin the orange fruit is a hespordium a type of berry

because they have many seeds are fleshy soft and derive from

a single overy (Vaughan 1987).

1.4 Pineapple (Ananas Comosus)

The pineapple is a tropical plant and fruit (berry) it belongs to

the genus Ananas with various species. It is a tall (1-1.5m)

herbaceous perennial plant with 30 or more trough shaped and

pointed leaves 50-100m long surrounding a thick stem. The

leaves of the smooth cayenne cultivate mostly lack spines

except at the leaf tip but the Spanish and green cultivar has

large spines along the leaf margins. Pineapples are the only

bromelroid fruit in wide-spread cultivation and are essentially

rich in vitamin C and other minerals (John et al 2003).

1.5 Pawpaw (Carica papaya)

Pawpaw is a subtropical fruit it is genus of 8 or 9 specieis of

small trees with large leaves and fruit the genus include the

largest edible fruit indigenous to the continent. They are under

store trees of deep fertile bottomland soils. Pawpaw is in the

same family (Annondceae) as the custard apple cherimoga

sweetsop and sour sop and it is the only member of that family

not confined to the tropics. All pawpaw has a lot of vitamins

and mineral (Levy et al 1973).

Raw Material Demand (Mt/L) National (Tons/Litres)

Preserver Juice


















Source: Raw Material Research and Development Council

(RMRDC 2003)

Freshly squeezed or extracted juice made at juice bar or from

home juices has the best flavour. Fresh frozen juices found in

the refrigerated section of the grocer store are freshly extracted

juices that are then packaged for shipping and distribution.

Frozen juice concentrates are made from pasteurized juice

from which the water has been extracted before freezing the

solid concentrated portion. Reconstituted juices are made from

juice concentrates that have been pasteurized must be labeled

“from concentrates” hundreds of canned or bottled juices may

be made from a single fruit or from a blend of fruits to excert a

certain flavour and level of sweetness. These made from a

single fruit may be sweetened with grape juice. Like their

frozen counterparts canned concentrates made from

evaporated pasteurized juice do not require refrigeration until

they are constituted (John et al 2003).

Juice may be pasteurized or non-pasteurization destroys many

vitamins and minerals but also kills microbes and bacterial that

cause spoilage and potential infection. Spoilage resulting from

zygosaccharonyes has been identified as a spoilage agent in

fruit concentrate and juice (Thomas and Davenport 1985).

Fruit juice will only be of great importance in our diet if it is well

prepared and chances of contamination is or are eliminated.

However fruit spoilage may result as soon as the fruits are

gathered into baskets and trucks doing harvesting they are

subject to contamination with spoilage organism from each

other and from the containers unless these has been

adequately sanitized. During transportation to market or the

industry where the processing of the fruit will be made to juices

mechanical damage may increase susceptibility to decay and

growth of micro organism may take place. Also the spoilage

may result from the packing poor selection of fruits condition

under which the fruit has processed and the effectiveness of the

method of preservation (Fraizer and Westhoff 1979).

With spoiled fruit juice it is possible to identify the agent

responsible for the spoilage and having discovered the agent it

may be possible to trace its source of contamination and the

condition which permit the spoilage to occur. Corrective

measure can then be instituted to prevent further spoilage

(Brewer 2002).

1.6 Aims and Objectives

i. To identify the agents responsible for the spoilage of fruit


ii. To identify the source of contamination leading to spoilage

iii. To assess the condition under which the micro-organisms

causing spoilage develops

iv. To determine the effectiveness of the method of


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page